Meet Our Team
Harford Restoration's core team has a strong bond of family and hard work.
It’s no wonder Jim Howell and Craig Harrison teamed up today. Both grew up in the Baltimore area and have generations of builders in the families. Contracting became a part of their family thread early on. Craig and Jim met after Jim finished his ABC Apprenticeship program for contracting when they both started working for a larger commercial builder. The job brought them together where they could build a great foundation about the industry and learn a wide-range of trades.
During their time, there they realized they didn’t like the commercial approach and wanted to provide personal service to their clients. A restoration company was born out of that common bond. Starting their own company allowed them to be on the ground and connected to the job. They started working days and nights to build their company and quickly realized this was the path they needed to take.
Seeing a project that needs fixing and building a family’s dream is a process that Jim and Craig never want to get away from.
Jim is a long-time Baltimore resident who married his high school sweetheart and now lives in Harford county with his three kids.
Again, it’s no wonder they are a likely team, Craig also married his high school sweetheart and now has two kids.